
OFI 1063: Everyone Has An Obstacle Between Them And Success | FFA SAE Edition | Halle Miller | Norwayne High School FFA

Each and everyone of us has an obstacle that we will have to overcome if we are going to find success and happiness.  And, it is a natural tendency to believe that we are the only ones facing a hardship when we are in the midst of going through something.  But the truth is, if you had access to every person’s personal information, that you would realize that life is hard for everyone, and everybody is overcoming something.

Today’s episode is a remind of this and a beautiful example of what is possible when we are determined to now allow anything stand in our way.  Our guest, Halle Miller, has both a before and after picture to this story.  Looking at this story today you are seeing the results of a lot of work and determination, and like most talented people do, Halle makes it look easy.  Halle is a talented public speaker and entrepreneur, and she is excelling in both categories through her work with Ohio Ag Net and her own business breeding and selling Bordoole puppies.

Her before pictures looks much different.  As a young girl she was extremely shy.  She also had a traumatic incident involving a dog that took years of determination and therapy to overcome.  However, Halle refuses to let anything stand in her way.  So, over the years she has gone from shy and terrified of dogs to becoming a premier breeder of Bordooles and a reporter.

It is these transitions that make interviewing FFA students so special, and I am pleased to share this story with you today.

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