OFI 133: Using Craigslist To Market Your Business

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OFI 133: Using Craigslist To Market Your Business Ljubljana Market in December 6



In this episode we are looking at how to use Craigslist to market your service or products.

  • What methods can you use to make your ad stand out?
  • How can you build trust and rapport with customers through a Craigslist Ad?
  • How can you tell your story?
  • How can you show them that you have the solution to their problems?

Adverstising on Craigslist is 100% free, and every effective.  Any business starting in this space should be using this opportunity to spread the word about your business!

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  1. Dave Lehman

    May 4, 2016


    You have really been hitting these solo episodes out of the park. The Craigslist marketing episode is another one that i need to listen to again, to soak up all the information. One of my coworkers listened to it first and told me that I “need to hear this one”. You are igniting a fire in my belly to create my own destiny.

    Thanks again,


    • Matt Brechwald

      May 4, 2016

      Thank you very much Dave. I really appreciate your input. I have been trying to determine my direction for the show in the future, and you comment comes at a pretty important time. Thank you very much!